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Statement of teaching philosophy and

demonstration of teaching effectiveness

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Abstract and Evaluation

Notes from evaluation: you might focus immediately on professional development rather than using it as an introduction to the teaching portfolio more generally. Your professional
development evidence is impressive (especially the video on student engagement with the
concept of education), but it would be helpful to organize the cover letter to align with
the ordering of the evidence. Being able to see the corresponding evidence in the same
order that it is introduced in the cover note would be effective. You did an excellent job
of demonstrating student-centered pedagogy, even in the avenues of professional
development you articulated. The end of your cover letter for this section was inspiring
and demonstrates not only your passion for teaching but your belief in the power that it
has to alter reality. Overall, the cover letter supports its claims and exhibits synthesis
between the cover letter and the evidence. However, there were occasional ambiguities
and some editorial issues that need to be addressed.

Letter of Interest/CV

My work experience has afforded me opportunities to create narratives from collected data portioned by SEO analytics which helps with the construction of system profiles. As a director, I have implemented collaborations to review organizational cross-platform users, helping to turn behaviors and digital
insights into content strategies. 

Research/Teaching Statement/Abstract

My research focus is defining Digital and New Media trend(s) within (Ethnographic
Groups) contemporary African American culture. Since the Voter’s Rights Act of 1965 there
has been socioeconomic and political shifts redefining the identity [voice] of African
Americans, through technological expansion and constitutional access. Post Rebellion
Fiction1 is the continued verse of political and theoretical rhetoric within the African
American social narrative, post the civil rights era (1865-1970). The focus encompasses
both policy and literature and uses of virtual space as applied theory which interacts
within a social construct. The basic condition of the American experience is adaptation to
Constitutional dogma which is the core aspect of the post-civil rights-African American.

Book Draft and Proposal

Chapter Three: Digital Rhetoric,
the contextualized voices in digital space reflect the ‘users’ virtual self, whether the
language represents some cyber mythology or factual data, every user has a coded
tell, identifying their digital personas as cosmetic or virtual renditions the person.

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